Strategic Planning
Partners in Strategic Growth
The strategic allocation of available resources is an imperative for achieving market leadership. Zeughauser Group has an unparalleled track record in creating strategic growth plans tailored to our clients’ aspirations, leveraging our insight into the legal marketplace as well as our leadership experience working with major law firms and their clients.
Our Experience
When you engage Zeughauser Group for growth planning, you are choosing highly experienced and creative partners and trusted advisors, all of whom have served in top leadership positions. The depth and breadth of our industry experience, our extensive legal industry planning expertise, and our reputation for helping firms earn partner buy-in and commitment are among the benefits of working with our team.
Our Approach
We begin by creating a tailored planning framework that will enable firm leaders to build and articulate a shared vision of the firm's future. A well-conceived vision speaks to the position that your firm would like to occupy in its markets and articulates your distinctive competitive advantage. It also drives the development of your firm's goals and the allocation of your resources to achieve them.

Successful strategic planning requires buy-in from your firm's partners. As we help you formulate your vision and the ensuing plan, we facilitate and manage a process of strategic conversations, thinking, and analysis that fosters buy-in. We guide strategic thinking and decision making into an actionable plan with clear steps for implementation.

We have helped our clients create comprehensive firmwide plans for growth from the ground up as well as retool existing plans. We also work with firms to develop plans at the department, practice group, industry, and office levels. We recognize that not all firms aspire to be big in size or vast in footprint, but all want to grow stronger by enhancing their culture and financial performance.
Depending on your needs, the planning process may include one or more of the following objectives:
- Aligning geographic footprint, practice group strengths, industry penetration, pricing, branding, positioning, and internal and external communications with strategy
- Aligning partnership structure, governance, and compensation systems with financial and lawyer performance goals
- Articulating a vision for the future
- Building and communicating distinctive competitive advantages
- Defining and implementing performance metrics
- Developing effective pricing strategies
- Developing merger and acquisition strategies
- Improving financial performance
- Planning for leadership succession
- Recruiting, retaining, and managing top talent
- Strengthening culture